Wednesday, June 20, 2018

I was just thinking of how much programming we are exposed to if we have a t.v.
I hear messages of not being safe in the home because of falling or break-ins, or using the wrong products or not using the right products. Not being safe in the street unless using a certain product, My car isn't safe unless I purchase certain products, My children, and my neighborhood are not safe. The air I breathe and the food I consume may not be safe. A constant flow of negative programming streaming in from the media to support the financial needs of those that keep the media thriving. In my work, I have come across so many people who are afraid to break the "rules" of society that they choose to believe and although the only outcome may be their neighbors or community may not approve they are fearful. They are in dread that someone may find out their children have done something that the community may scorn them for.

This fear-based society that we live in presents a huge problem for us as individuals. When we don't monitor the programs our children are watching they may become a victim of this fear-based programming. We ourselves are victims because if we watch t.v. for even an hour a day we are exposed to it. How often have you gone out looking for a certain product because you saw it on t.v. or heard it could help you in some way have a better life. How often have you spent money on something that proved worthless in the end? Maybe you decide to have a healthier lifestyle and invest in a high-end juicer, and supplements or some other electrical gadget to make life easier that sits in a cupboard somewhere in your home. Hmmm sounds familiar to me.

I believe that the biggest problem is that so many of us do not realize that we have bitten into the whims of the media, that we have become pawns to the needs of this fear-based life we are living. When we internalize fear it manifests itself as dysease within the body. I believe that many of the chronic illness we are experiencing in society is a by-product of fear based thinking. I also think that the "attitude" of our children is being influenced by the violent online games they become addicted to and the imaging of the glamorous people in the media. Even reality tv is damaging as it depicts a small percentage of lifestyles of a small group. We still bite into it and although it is mostly staged how many of us believe it to be real.

So what is real? Well, that's easy, your life is reality and tv and what the media offers is an escape from your reality. You make your reality what it is based on what you choose to believe and thereby attract into your space. Your self-talk (all those crazy thoughts you might ignore) is the mechanics that create the energy you attract into your life. Yes, all that background underlying stuff does affect your life and what happens in it. If you really want to change your mind then listen carefully to those thoughts and turn them around. Don't let your made up fears rule your world and what you believe your reality to be.

Imagine a world made up of your deepest desires and passions without the fear attached to it. The fear of success or failure, the fear of being noticed, the fear of being different, the fear of being broke or not having enough. We each have our own sack of stuff that we make excuses around that are our own fears. What if for one hour a day we picked one fear and turned it around, wrapped it in positive thoughts and saw them for what they really are. We change our mind about who we are in relation to what we are fearing. We take charge of our fears and move through them one at a time and as often as we need. Just one hour away from the tv or phone or computer unless we need to write or use some creative method of dealing with the fears. My outlet is writing. What could yours be?

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