Thursday, January 30, 2020



I love the theme for this New Year, Roaring into the '20s. It speaks for itself as we began the New Year here on the Lower Mainland, B.C., with our first snowfall. I was impressed by how quickly the city sent snow plows out to clear the streets. I began this year mostly alone, sorting out a lot of those sticky emotions that are just there and get ignored as I go through my day. I realize how comfortable it is just to let the feeling pass, as I get busy doing something or nothing in particular, especially as I age.

But I then I had an epiphany, and realized that aging means that I no longer should be dealing with any emotions of insecurity, regret, disappointment, or guilt; none of those negating feelings were acceptable anymore. I have decades of experience to tap into, and that should be enough to absolve myself of any wrong feelings that I may have learned to hold on to. No matter what occurred in my life, I must stand up and be who I am today. My past taught me to be more than I was back then, and that is who I must be in the world today, the me that survived all of my past.

I recently watched this great show on ageism, Frankie and Grace, starring Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda, and it brought so many issues up in my face. I realized how easy it is to use age as a cop-out for so many things. Aging is not about giving up; it's about standing up. Being blessed with age, and with your full capacities, makes you a blessing to be shared with everyone in your environment. Some of the younger generations may tend to become condescending in their ways of thinking they know more than we do because we are old. Some of us may get pushed aside because we allow the attitude of the young to break us down and put us in our place. Being old does not mean climbing into a box and hiding. Many indigenous cultures honor the Elders blessed with the wisdom that comes with age. They hold a special place in their society, and their knowledge is highly valued.

I am fortunate to be able to volunteer at Kennedy Seniors Recreation Centre in Delta B.C... I have come to realize just how much I appreciate aging as I witness seniors in different stages of aging being out in the community, maintaining their health and lifestyle with such vigor and joy. There is a dinner and dance celebration at least once a month, and the turnout is incredible. I realize that places like this are worth their weight in gold with all the knowledge accumulated here. The elderly may be pushed aside in society, but some of us are uniting to live a better quality of life in this stage of our lives.

Being active as we age allows our minds to stay sharp. Now is not the time to give up on our dreams because we now have the wisdom and patience to move ahead in our lives if we so choose. We will always have a place in society as long as we do not give it up. We are still able to change the world if only with one person at a time. We all have at least one superpower to share, one gold coin that means something special to us and that someone needs us to share. We are valuable with decades of wisdom.

Knowledge is power, and we are powerhouses no matter what anyone else says or thinks of us. If we have made it this far in life, then we are heroes. If we have made it this far and have a legacy of children and grandchildren, then we are superheroes. The world will appreciate us as much as we honor, respect, and enjoy ourselves. I always see myself as a bottle of fine wine, slowly aging in time to become more vibrant and fuller. I am akin to the image of the pregnant Goddess in history, which relates to Womyn in her fullness, filled with knowledge and wisdom: pregnant with life experiences.

Monday, April 1, 2019

The Ace in Your Life

It’s funny how one day you actually get that life can really be played like a game. I was sitting at the computer playing a game of “Free Cell” and I had to laugh at myself as I figured it out once again that the only way to win was to have a plan. Step one was to look at the whole board and find my starting point which was the Aces. Then I had to be able to create empty spaces where I could place runs (4, 3, 2, 1, etc) to move the cards around to reveal the Aces, two’s, three’s, etc. So I created this formula or plan around the game which allows me to win most of the time. But sometimes I get to the point where a message comes up and tells me there are no more available moves left and if I wish I can undo all my moves and start over or quit and play another game.

Now this is when the plan comes in handy, because if I have just haphazardly began making moves I never remember which move led me to a dead end. Now I have the choice to undo the whole game and play again or if I had a plan I simply go back to the move that brought me to the message and play with more awareness so I do not make the same wrong move. By more awareness, I mean keeping an eye on the board and making sure that every move I make leads to another move or an open space that acts like a door to new choices. Sometimes I walk away and focus my attention on other things before continuing and this gives me a fresher perspective. My other option is that I can choose to quit altogether and start a new game and a new plan.

This is what we do in life if we wish to be successful in reaching our dreams and desires, we create a plan. The trick is having a plan that works because sometimes we may eagerly start off but maybe we have not put the right intention into our plan. It could be that we have to unwind a little of our past in order to find the Ace, or the first step so everything falls into place. Unwinding our lives is not always easy as clicking a mouse or icon on the computer but it will give us the same opportunity to start over again and follow the plan which we may have to amend a bit to make it work. Unwinding is also a great way to open up new doors in our lives.

Sometimes we know deep inside what we need to do but have no idea how to make the first move. This is when we must open ourselves up to reaching out to someone who can give us the guidance we need to move forward. You never know what will happen once you open up, either you seek out help or Majikally someone or something appears with the answer to your request. Remember there are no coincidences so use these moments to jump into opportunities. Did I mention that I have a ninety-five percent winning average on playing just over five hundred games? (It’s my old computer from 2002) Now the challenge is to apply it to my life.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Straighten Up - Fly Right - Unwinding Abuse

It is a weak man who stands up in a Womyn's face when she is confronted by another Womyn. If a Womyn does not have the strength to deal with what she puts out then she really should not make herself appear weaker by having her man getting involved in the situation. This tells me that she may be the victim of this type of treatment herself so she does not see the wrongness of it. Womyn especially those who are close and/or family need to lean to resolve there differences with each other as this usually brings them closer eventually, either to each other or with themselves. It may be inner issues related to Self that is healed in order to resolve disputes between them.

I know that the Womyn in my family and extended family often disagree with each other but we keep that between us “girls”. We do not need the men in our lives to speak for us and put them self in jeopardy by jumping into the middle of a situation. I have to say the men in our lives quickly learn that when the Womyn fight and if you chose to get in the middle you might be the one getting hurt. I personally would have no qualms in calling the police if I saw any of the men physically hurting another Womyn. Men are usually built to have more physical strength than we do so if they wish to engage physically they either need to find another man or go to the gym and knock themselves out, or just walk away because they know they are wrong every-time.

If there is a man in your life who pushes you around, physically or emotionally or manipulates you with emotional issues then I tell you straight up, he is wrong every-time. There is no place in anyone's life where this is right or even acceptable. None of us deserve this type of treatment from anyone in any way, shape or form. So at this point if this creates a reaction in you then maybe the proceeding statements will also (not applicable to every situation) ring some truth.

You may be attracting this energy into your life. The only way this is happening is because at some time you gave permission to this individual to communicate in this manner. It may be that you did not have the communication skills necessary to “nip it in the bud”, from the beginning and you thus became a victim of the circumstances. If you feel like a victim then I suggest you deal with that immediately. Do whatever you need to stop having these emotions. Go see a professional or demand that your “stalker” either stop go see someone to help with their issues. Tell someone about it right in front of your offender. Use your voice. If you do not feel safe to do this then you are in a situation that you may need to remove yourself from immediately.

Relationships are a lot about communicate and healthy communication is essential. Healthy emotions are required in order to have healthy communication. It is impossible to have a fruitful conversation when all you are doing is throwing unhealthy emotions back and forth and expecting the other person to be responsible for them. You are the Priestess in your Temple and it is your responsibility to care and nurture your emotions to a vibration that will attract like energy. Relationships that are “glued” together because of not wanting to upset the other by saying or doing the wrong thing are straight up wrong in so many ways.

My point is that if you are going to do a long term relationship than we should honour ourselves by at least doing it right. That actually is the trick to it. Honour thyself at all times. No one is going to show us the respect that we feel we deserve if at some level we actually feel that we do not deserve it. Holding on to emotions of fear and feeling like a victim will be the energy that we are putting out no matter what level we are feeling it. Hiding or denying how we feel will not change that energy. It is all you and it is what the Universe is receiving from you and returning to you because it is the frequency that you are broadcasting. Let go of the inner victim. Do the work necessary to accomplish this and you will change your life. When you feel like a victim you usually also feel as though you do not have full control of your life and this can spill over into other areas of your life, such as your finances, or your children. Your truly are what you believe so please work on believing that you are truly amazing and able to accomplish all of your intentions with the will of the Creator. You are too beautiful to be abused or misused in any way and you deserve the respect and love of all those around you. Even your disagreements should result in bringing more love into your life. When we choose to learn to love ourselves unconditionally then we are ready to create the best life possible.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Dysable the Enabler

Unfortunately today addictions of many kind are common in society. There must be many of us who are exposed to loved ones and friends dealing with addictions and maybe at one time we may have had our own story to tell. For some reason society has managed to create a need for drugs that is being filled and creating so many problems. We have fear now over drugs that kill as well as the "usual" fears around drug abuse. Being there as a support for others trying to conquer addiction is a place we may find our self in at some point in our lives. Unfortunately not everyone believes in rehabilitation centres so there have to be alternate paths to healing. We may make ourselves available to help someone but if we are not a drug counsellor or if we have not had the life experience our self we may have to be careful about how much help we can actually offer. When we try to help a family member, we could run into all types of unexpected problems because we may be just too close to the situation to see what is going on and what is truly needed. We may find ourselves trying to help someone with their drug issues and maybe we come to realize that we are not really helping at all. There is such a thin line between helping and enabling so it is a sticky, tricky path to walk. If you have someone who actually is being successful in overcoming drugs that you are helping, there is that chance that they may begin to see you as their Savior and that is a shaky path to walk upon.

When we choose to idolize another, we dig a hole for our self which is really hard to climb out of while we see another as our reason for being happy. I am not saying that you don't need someone who can help but when you become so attached to that other that you begin to idolize them, then there may by trouble ahead. If something happens where this person is no longer in your life, what will you do, how will you cope. Will life be worth living? The problem will continue to exist until you learn to recognize the Creator within you. You must learn to see the good within you that creates and manifests all that is in your life. Giving everything you are to another will eventually make you feel less, and brings about insecurities and doubts that you can actually be and do you on your own. Not only for you but for the one you choose to give your power away to. No one can live up to being put on a pedestal unless they truly are egotistical. It feels so good when someone recognizes the good within us and compliments us and thanks us but to constantly have to live up to the image of being "the great one" who fixes everything and everyone can bite deeply into ones self esteem as we try hard to live up to the image and think we have to continue to fix everything. It is so much easier at least for me when I give it back to the person by acknowledging that they are the ones that chose to heal and move forward in their life and they are the one doing the work to better their lives.

One way to bypass this dilemma of becoming an enabler is when your worshipper is giving you thanks for once again fixing them, to somehow mention the Creator, or God or the Goddess, whatever Higher Power that you and/or they believe in. Pass the thanks in that direction and encourage the other to give thanks to their Source. Connecting with our Source, our Higher Power is a healthy way of letting go of any addictive problem whether it be mental, physical, or spiritual. Give them back their power in some way and let them know that it is with the guidance of the Creator that their healing was made possible. Encourage them to have faith and to believe in not only themselves but the power of the Universe to provide them with what they need at any given time.

Embracing the Divine within is being able to see and feel the light within us, that place where creativity and goodness exists, that place of healing. When we connect with and hold on to that feeling we experience the true love that we have for our self and are able to share this with those around us. This is where self hatred and fear melts away, where we can find that familiar place within that we call home. So just try to make it a daily practise to give thanks to the Creator for your life and your dreams, passions and that which make up your daily routine and each day you will feel more satisfied, more fulfilled with this gratitude.