Monday, April 1, 2019

The Ace in Your Life

It’s funny how one day you actually get that life can really be played like a game. I was sitting at the computer playing a game of “Free Cell” and I had to laugh at myself as I figured it out once again that the only way to win was to have a plan. Step one was to look at the whole board and find my starting point which was the Aces. Then I had to be able to create empty spaces where I could place runs (4, 3, 2, 1, etc) to move the cards around to reveal the Aces, two’s, three’s, etc. So I created this formula or plan around the game which allows me to win most of the time. But sometimes I get to the point where a message comes up and tells me there are no more available moves left and if I wish I can undo all my moves and start over or quit and play another game.

Now this is when the plan comes in handy, because if I have just haphazardly began making moves I never remember which move led me to a dead end. Now I have the choice to undo the whole game and play again or if I had a plan I simply go back to the move that brought me to the message and play with more awareness so I do not make the same wrong move. By more awareness, I mean keeping an eye on the board and making sure that every move I make leads to another move or an open space that acts like a door to new choices. Sometimes I walk away and focus my attention on other things before continuing and this gives me a fresher perspective. My other option is that I can choose to quit altogether and start a new game and a new plan.

This is what we do in life if we wish to be successful in reaching our dreams and desires, we create a plan. The trick is having a plan that works because sometimes we may eagerly start off but maybe we have not put the right intention into our plan. It could be that we have to unwind a little of our past in order to find the Ace, or the first step so everything falls into place. Unwinding our lives is not always easy as clicking a mouse or icon on the computer but it will give us the same opportunity to start over again and follow the plan which we may have to amend a bit to make it work. Unwinding is also a great way to open up new doors in our lives.

Sometimes we know deep inside what we need to do but have no idea how to make the first move. This is when we must open ourselves up to reaching out to someone who can give us the guidance we need to move forward. You never know what will happen once you open up, either you seek out help or Majikally someone or something appears with the answer to your request. Remember there are no coincidences so use these moments to jump into opportunities. Did I mention that I have a ninety-five percent winning average on playing just over five hundred games? (It’s my old computer from 2002) Now the challenge is to apply it to my life.

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