Embers will be doing a reading and song/poem from her soon to be released book "The Path of the Goddess" as well as a group Afrikan Divination Reading. She will also be available for readings throughout the day and have Majikal product for sale
Vicki Reese is offering a presenataion on "Tea Leaf Readings" and an opportunity to swivel your hips to a "Bellydancing" session.
She will also be doing Tea leaf reading throughout the day and Reconnective Healing
Dr. Lesley will be offering a reading from her book "The Midas Tree" as well as a presentation on "Past Lives". She will also be doing readings throughout the day.
Sandra Jewell will offer a session on Mediumship and Reconnective Tissue Healing as well as being available for readings.
Tracy Rae Moore will be joining us with her Majikal products to help transform your journey.
Debra Taylor will be presenting you with information on her awesome progam "Discovery Walks" as well as a "Sacred Drum Session". She will also be doing personal guided sessions throughout the day.
Thank you for all your dedicated work on this event Embers. I'm delighted to be involved and looking forward to drumming up energy for everyone.